About VUMIE Online

A better online microbiology simulation

VUMIE (VirtualUnknown Microbiology Internet Edition) is a “flight simulator” for the Microbiology lab, a simulation that requires the same heads-on, hands-on effort students must master in the wetlab.  It provides meaningful practice for microbiology students, tests student proficiencies in micro lab skills and knowledge, and is a basic component of many face-to-face, online, and hybrid microbiology labs taught worldwide.

Screenshot from VUMIE microbiology lab simulation

Product features

VUMIE Online is our latest version of the software. Here are some of its features:

  • A faithful simulation of aseptic technique, where mistakes result in contamination and errors are recorded in the lab report.
  • Browser-based: Runs on Macs, PCs, Chromebooks, iPads, and Android tablets.
  • No downloads or installations: This is an Internet-based product.
  • Over 120 possible bacteria identified using more than 50 common biochemical tests found in microbiology labs.
  • Coverage of topics common to a microbiology lab course: aseptic technique to Gram stains and microscopy, metabolic testing to MPN, bacterial ID to antibiotic susceptibility, diseases of organ systems to rapid ID methods. It even includes activities using VUMIE Online for “Creating Scientific Posters” and for setting up a Fantasy Microbiology League. See our list of Activities.
  • For each activity, expect integrated video-based lessons, reviews, worksheets, and auto-graded practicals and quizzes. No lab manual needed.
  • Scavenger Hunts take you on a deep dive with some important concepts in microbiology and health through web-based excursions beyond the simulation.
  • This is a growing product, with new content and enhancements being added as they are completed. These become instantly available to all users.
  • Can be used to improve wet lab performance through pre-lab instruction, unlimited 24/7 access to practice and learning resources, and for post-lab assessment via auto-graded quizzes and practicals. Here are the results of a recent study on an earlier version of our product. VUMIE Online is improved in every way from the version used for that study to become even more effective!
  • Can be used to deliver a practical online substitute for at home instruction or a fully online general microbiology lab when needed.
  • Extensive video-based tutorials for basic lab skills. You can take a peek here.
  • Extensive Reference Library covering topics central to the course and simulation. See what we’ve got for you.
  • Integrated “Admin Console allows instructors to customize student assignments, check on their work, review their lab reports, and keep track of grades. Even provides info on time-on-task.
  • Simulation, activities, extensive Help files, and instructor controls – all for about half the cost of a microbiology lab manual. And it provides a user-friendly video format and many learning support features not provided by lab manuals.
  • A video preview of the software is available here.
  • A video with information about the simulation is available here.

Frequently Asked Questions

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