For Instructors

Thanks for your interest in VirtualUnknown Microbiology lab simulation as a valuable tool for teaching microbiology labs. Our previous product, VUMIE 2012 gained a reputation as a solid contributor to positive learning outcomes for microbiology students. Skeptical? This peer reviewed article might shed some light on its effectiveness (BMC Medical Education (2021) 21:583. Baumann-Birkbeck et al. “Can a virtual microbiology simulation be as effective as the traditional wetlab for pharmacy student education?”).

In 2023 we released our NEW product, VUMIE Online, which we believe is even more pedagogically valuable and effective in the hands of students. It features many upgrades and additions to improve and expand the VUMIE simulation and course content. VUMIE Online incorporates (1) a simulation of common microbiology lab techniques, (2) well-supported video-based lessons over common micro lab topics, (3) practical and objective assessments that are auto-graded, and (4) instructor management capabilities for student assignments and lab sections. The result is an incredibly rich resource that can be used to support face-to-face lab instruction (pre-lab prep, 24/7 access to practice, post-lab evaluation), hybrid courses, and online microbiology lab courses.

If you are an instructor wanting to try our product, request VUMIE Online instructor access. Once we verify your status as an instructor, we’ll provide free access to VUMIE Online with its built-in Administrative Console (“Admin Console“). It is free and your license never expires.

NOTE: If you have used our legacy product VUMIE 2012, please note that it is no longer available for purchase as of the Fall 2023 semester.  We recommend migrating to the much improved and more comprehensive VUMIE Online. Here is a comparison for how the new VUMIE Online content compares with that from VUMIE 2012?

Helpful tools for instructors

VUMIE Online’s new integrated Admin Console for instructors saves you time and makes managing your students’ lab experience much smoother. All resources are accessible from a single login and location:

  • The award-winning VirtualUnknown Microbiology simulation for bacterial testing and identification.
  • More than 50 learning activities to choose from – basic microbiology skills and their application in common microbiology lab activities such as bacterial identification and fundamentals of infection and disease.
  • Scavenger Hunts that take your students beyond their course to see how microbiology is important in the world around them.
  • Help files and Reference Books with extensive video tutorials and information on tests, media, reagents, and microbes.
  • New content continues to be added, expanding coverage of some current topics and adding new simulations and content in the future. These become instantly accessible to you and your students!
  • No need for a lab manual. The content of VUMIE Online includes most of the expected content found in a micro lab manual, but with extensive video content to better engage the student. This becomes a cost-effective upgrade to conventional lab manuals.
  • Admin Console allows Instructors to group students into lab sections, assign custom unknown microbes and Case Studies, follow quality of student work (accuracy, aseptic technique, time on task) via the student lab reports, and reviewing student progress via auto-graded practicals and objective quizzes.

One package for designing, teaching, and evaluating the work done by students.

For questions about Instructor accounts and Instructor access, send us a message from the Contact Us form.