When auto-inoculation has been activated during creation of an unknown bacterium, you can bypass the steps of an aseptic transfer as you do biochemical tests:
- Click on the “Tests” link above the Virtual Lab. Highlight “Select media” to start a test.
- The “Add media” form appears. Select the desired medium from the dropdown list and provide a label. For instance, Phenol Red Lactose Broth could be abbreviated “PRLactose”. Click “Submit”.
- Appearing in the Virtual Lab will be two test tubes of media. The tube on the left is your pure culture of unknown organism (known as the “inoculum”). At right is a sterile tube of the medium you selected.
- Place your cursor over the tube caps and click to remove caps. The option for autoinoculation will appear. Select this option.
- Replace your caps and check the traffic signals for two green lights, indicating a successful and contamination-free inoculation of the sterile medium with your culture of the unknown organism.